Nogi Industries Loyalty Program
Earn points with every purchase to redeem towards future purchases.
Earn 1 point for every $1.00 Spent at Nogi Industries. Upgrade to Bronze, Silver and Gold Tier's to multiply your reward point earnings.
Redeem points towards anything in the store. 20 points = $1.00 saved. Basically, earn 5% back on every purchase!
How to Earn Points:
Register for the Program 50 Points |
Birthday Reward 50 Points |
Refer a friend 80 Points |
Share on Facebook 80 Points |
Follow us on Instagram 80 Points |
Share on Twitter 80 Points |
Bronze Tier
Spend $300/365 Days 250 Points 1.5 Points/$1.00 |
Silver Tier Spend $750/365 Days 250 Points 1.5 Points/$1.00 |
Gold Tier
Spend $1500/365 Days 250 Points 1.5 Points/$1.00 |
How to Join:
1. Create an account with Nogi Industries. Click Here
2. Click the Rewards Points button at the bottom of every page: